Saturday, February 21, 2009

$800 or $1,200 Gold, Panic Vs. Inflation

$800 or $1,200 Gold, Panic Vs. Inflation, ETF’s (GLD, UGL, DZZ, DGP, DGZ, GDX)
Posted: February 21, 2009 at 8:43 am

We have probably covered more gold stocks over the last couple of months than we care to recall, but we have been getting more and more inquiries on the ETF’s and on how to play the shiny yellow stuff directly. When we see the media covering any topic with this frenzy and traders getting more and more interested, history and calm dictate that an inflection point has been reached. Following this inflection point is almost certainly what will be a sharp move in either direction. Gold breached the $1,000.00 threshold Friday as panic set further and further in, so in theory we could either be at $1,200.00 or $800.00 with a near-equal probability in just a few months.

For starters, let’s go ahead and get the “why do you think $1,200.00 or $800.00 is imminent?” question addressed. Every time you see major inflections like this, there is either the panic buying or the crescendo selling. Oil is the best and most recent example of this. When oil was trading north of $90.00 for the first time and everyone was scared of $100.00 oil, it became a chasing game and a game based upon speculation rather than a game based upon reality. We had many traders calling for $120.00 and we had many oil companies saying that anything north of $75.00 did not make sense to them. So use the $100.00.00 level as the key pivot. It turned out that both the traders and the oil companies were right. It also turned out that they were both wrong. Oil went to twice what many of those oil companies thought was a peak intrinsic value. And in just six months or so it was back to half of that same “intrinsic value” of $75.00.

Gold may be a perfect hedge against inflation. But what you are witnessing today is that gold is also a pure hedge against fear. There is fear of nationalizing some of the major banks. There is a fear that the DJIA could go to 6,000 and the S&P 500 could go to under 700.00. There is a fear that unemployment will hit double-digit levels. And there is a fear that our massive and nasty recession is going to be the modern day version of the 1930’s. These are currently all real fears, and this has not yet happened. A year ago the DJIA was north of 12,000 and the S&P 500 was north of 1,300.00. The closing levels yesterday were 7,365.67 on the DJIA and the S&P 500 closed at 770.05.

Yesteryear’s $1,000.00 gold was inflation related trading. Today’s $1,000.00 gold is the hedge of fear. Again, we are merely saying that this $1,000.00 mark is an inflection point. The cases for $800.00 or $1,200.00 are equally as easy to make. OK, so you got the history lesson and you have the most basic explanation for why gold is where it is.

But there is another issue affecting the price of gold today. Exchange traded funds and exchange traded notes. Investors and traders are buying the hell out of these. These ETF’s and ETN’s have to in turn go into the spot market and futures markets and buy the shiny yellow stuff. We have seen some figures showing that there could be as much as $100.00 or $200.00 extra in the price of gold because of the ETF’s and ETN’s buying it up. That number is probably impossible to give with any certainty, and you have to always use the notion that things are worth what the market is willing to pay for them. So whether gold is overvalued or undervalued, the value IS almost $1,000.00 today. This is also happening at a time when the banks and hedge funds that would have been buying can only do it with minimal leverage rather than the massive leverage used just a year ago.

SPDR Gold Shares (NYSE: GLD) is the mother load of all gold ETF’s. It tracks the performance of the price of gold bullion, less the trust expenses of course. It holds gold and is expected to issue baskets in exchange for deposits of gold. For fair measure, you can usually take the ratio at one-tenth to see where the price of spot gold happens to be. There are then the trust fees and the discrepancy of time and whichever direction the wind blows that factor in on its actual pricing. This closed at $97.80 Friday vs. $993.20 in spot gold. Again, not a perfect 1:10 ratio, but close enough. There are also large discrepancies in the actual market cap: Yahoo Finance shows $24.93 billion as this ETF market cap, and Google Finance shows $27.47 billion. The SPDR site itself shows a market cap of $24.891 billion. This one is massive regardless. To show how much of a bogey it is, it trades over 16 million shares on an average day, but it traded over 43 million shares Friday and on February 11 it traded some 55 million shares. On two different days in September its volume was north of 60 million shares.

Then there is the schizophrenic gold ETF that is supposed to employ TWO-TIMES leverage on gold. The Ultra Gold ProShares (NYSE: UGL) seeks to replicate, net of expenses, twice the performance of gold bullion as measured by the U.S. Dollar p.m. fixing price for delivery in London. The difference here between this is that it has to use “financial instruments”… swap agreements, forward contracts, and futures and options contracts. So besides the fact that it aims for twice the performance, it has an extra measure of added volatility in its trading. ProShares lists its net asset value premium and discount as having been roughly -2.0% to as high as +6.0%. It noted Friday’s level was a premium of $0.44. It trades over 200,000 shares per day, but it traded over 664,000 yesterday and it saw some 882,600 shares trade hands on FEB 17. As gold is on highs, this one is too.

There are also two ETN’s which essentially offset each other. PowerShares employs more DOUBLE-LEVERAGE ETN’s. The PowerShares DB Gold Double Short ETN (NYSE: DZZ) and the PowerShares DB Gold Double Long ETN (NYSE: DGP) are the leveraged instruments. The PowerShares DB Gold Short ETN (NYSE: DGZ) is just the inverse, just… The average volume on these can be lower as well. “DZZ” traded over 1.6 million shares Friday, more than double its normal volume. “DGP” traded over 4.2 million shares Friday, almost twice its normal volume. DGZ traded over 38,000 shares Friday, about 150% of normal volume.

One gold ETF that is not keeping up with the shiny yellow stuff is the Market Vectors Gold Miners ETF (NYSE: GDX). While it closed up almost 4% at $37.03 Friday, its 52-week trading range is $15.83 to $56.87. This one tracks the Gold Miners Index in proportion to the company weighting in the index, so it invests in the common stocks of global gold miners which are not all US-based companies. Our most recent data shows that Barrick Gold, Goldcorp, and Newmont account for almost 35% of the entire ETF. Its 25 top holdings also account for about 97.8% of the entire ETF. It trades an average of over 8.5 million shares, and it saw over 19.5 million shares trade hands Friday.

We are not going to give trade set-ups here for how you can bet on $1,200.00 or $800.00 gold. That will either be done tomorrow or in our newsletters. And early this week we’ll show you how and why many of the more speculative gold stocks have not been tracking the price of the shiny yellow stuff.

February 21, 2009

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